Guiding the Next Generation: Balancing Technology and Human Connection

We use communication in various mediums to express creative ideas, share our hopes and dreams, to stand for the things we believe in and protect the ones we love. Each one of us carrying a unique perspective formed by personal experiences build upon family values, social structures, cultural beliefs, political, and economical backgrounds.

How we chose to share and help foster new generations with our knowledge will help shape our social structure and the future of our human civilization.

As computer technology and smartphones become more powerful and economically feasible, more people are now able to connect through the internet than ever before. The power and effects of tremendous data content shared over the World Wide Web, social media platforms, and daily ingest minute by minute of world events is now ingrained in our everyday life.

Social responsibility is now an ever growing concern for the well being of our youths as we hear of cyberbullying, fake news and misinformation.

I believe helping new generations achieve a sense of purpose and happiness is vital to their well being, as well for ourselves. We can guide them by providing positive reinforcements in our homes, educational institutions, and encouraging them to experience the world beyond their own, to help them better understand our diverse and complex world with empathy and compassion. And to find balance between the use of technology and the beautiful natural environments Mother Nature has given us.


Artificial Intelligence