Artificial Intelligence

We communicate through art and entertainment, literature, culture, religion, politics, science and technology, as they are the major building blocks of our multifaceted world.

With the birth of the World Wide Web (WWW), created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 at CERN, and continued development in Semantic Web with use of Artificial Intelligence going mainstream, our ways of communication have drastically changed in just a few decades. As OpenAI introduced ChatGPT to the public in November 2022 with a $10billion investment from Microsoft, Google’s introduction to Bard AI in February 2023, and generative AI advancement in creative content, I believe we have now set the ground work for the next era of exponential growth in AI, as we had with static Web 1.0 to user generated content in Web 2.0.

The impact of AI in the coming years and decades will have an effect on artists and content creators, copy writers, educators, developers, software engineers, and a whole multitude of professions. Artificial Intelligence will not only help to refine creative ideas and design concepts for the masses, but help to accelerate scientific breakthrough and further technological advancements. Further iterations and refinement of AI will help streamline human critical thinking processes in milliseconds.

How we use AI to communicate and expand our knowledge base will be determined by the user and the corporations that run their system on AI softwares and hardware to serve humanity further. The challenge will be finding ways to overcome bad actors and those willing to use AI as a means to harm and demonize. Regardless of whether we like it or not AI is here to stay, that much I know. The question is, how are you going to utilize it?


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