Nurturing Creativity with My Nieces and Nephew

When it’s their tablet time my nieces and nephew enjoy playing video games, watching kids YouTube, and learning math and English with interactive games. Every child should have the support and guidance they need to explore what they love and enjoy, with moderation and balance, to help contribute to their overall happiness and success in life.

I would ask them if they want to draw on my iPad Pro, using Procreate, and most of the time they’ll come over with excitement to do at least one drawing, each taking turns.

I created three 4k canvas presets, each named after theirs, so each of them know to select their name each time they want to create a new drawing without me having to do it for them. They also learned go into their own drawing stacks, which I made for each of them so they don’t accidentally delete my artworks or the other kids art. I backup my iPad so I’m not concern if they do, but it’s an organized structured principle that I try and teach them, and help them feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for their own work with guidance.

Often during their sessions they would ask me what my favorite color is, as they all have their own favorite color. However, I would say to them I don’t have a favorite color. It’s hard for them to understand this so they keep asking, “But what if you had to chose just one color?”

I would continue to emphasize that all color are beautiful, and that each color can also represent various meaning, and people can also see the same color and have different feelings toward it.

I remember asking my six year old nephew what color is the sun? He told me orange. I asked how does the sun make him feel? maybe warm? and he said yes. I explained to him color can be a symbol of warmth, like from our sun, and that warmth is a sensation which we enjoy, right? He said yeah! Then he goes talking about brown like poop, and sometimes green too.


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